Monday, August 20, 2007

Annual International Exhibition of Women's Art SOHO20 Gallery

Sitting quietly on the floor, a small black pillow tucked under her in the middle of the room artist Gardiner C. Funo O'Kain slowly created a circle made from small folded rice paper boats as viewers slowly began to fill the room around her. Working from the outside towards the center eventually filling the circle. Her meditative, repetitive process gently lured you in to the work. I sat with her for a moment just watching it, the moment of becoming itself. As I asked her about the piece, she continued without pause taking the small squares of delicate paper from their box, folding them into form then gracefully placing them into the work.

When asked about why and how she decides the shape of the finished work she replied, "They are really site specific, the environment really makes that decision. It's interesting how they change from place to place." She stated there would be 100 boats total in this piece. The fragility of the material and the installation brought a soothing calmness to the room. With each person passing it they moved as the air stirred around them. In a moment they could be blown away, scattered to all points. Reminiscent of sand paintings she methodically went about the task while they precariously interacted with air currents in the room.
There is something more, something deeper going on which draws your attention, makes you want to sit and fold them with her without speaking within her thoughts in hopes of finding a sense of harmony and balance.

Annual International Exhibition of Women's Art Group Show of 29 artists.

Soho20 511 w. 25th Street, NY NY

July 17th - August 11, 2007

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